Thursday, February 18, 2016

Which Vinegar.....?

Follow this link to answer my science question on tiny tap

Science Question: What vinegar had the biggest reaction?

6 sentence story

1)  Once upon a time there lived a bluebird called Kate & she lived with her family and friends.
2) Maleficent lived in a goldin catal next to a beautiful river in mayron city.
3) She could fly very fast all the way to the waterfall and have a drink.
4)  But it hadn't always been like this, because she was actually scared of the high bar once.
5)  But I think the mysterious man is lonely & sad because he doesént have any friends not to mention all the karate chops people have done to him.
6) The old wizard was so hungry he went to go open the fridge and there he found was his spell book.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

One word holiday


I stood on a super fat slimy rock in front of a beautiful, amazing waterfall.

When we walked into the water it was freezing cold so I ran out.

The water was really clear but all the rocks were slippery.

It was really itchy when our feet were on the grass and i did´int like the rough feel.